Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- An Overview of Observations of the Energy and Mass Balance of Coastal Ice Covers in Northern Alaska
- Arctic Watershed Studies: Temporal and Spatial Variability and Climate Sensitivity
- Autonomous Measurements of Ice Mass Balance
- Bedload Component of Glacially Discharged Sediment: Insights From the Matanuska Glacier
- Comparison of Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Backscatter to SNTHERM-Modeled Snow Properties in a Boreal Landscape
- Comparison of Spatial Prediction Methods for Estimating Snow Distribution in the Colorado Rocky Mountains
- Five 'Supercool' Icelandic Glaciers
- Meteorological Analysis of the ISCAT 2000 Field Program
- Monitoring Snow Drifts, Blowing Snow, and Wind Slabs from Ground and Space for Climate Studies and Land Surface Modeling
- Numerical and Self-similar Solutions for Freezing of Non-heaving Porous Media
- Performance and Applications of an Automated Ice Fabric Analyzer.
- Processing of Ice Draft Measurements From Submarine Upward Looking Sonar
- Revisiting the fast-ice regimes of the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas 25 years on
- Sea Ice Stress and Deformation During the SHEBA Field Experiment
- Sedimentation and Denudation Rates of a Tidewater Glacier Eroding Batholithic Bedrock: Leconte Glacier, Alaska
- Spatial and temporal variability of Arctic summer sea-ice albedo and its dependence on meltwater hydraulics
- Sublimation From the Forest Canopy at Different Elevations in the Fraser Experimental Forest, Fraser, CO
- The North Pole Environmental Observatory
- The Relationship Between Real-time Snow Water Equivalent Pressure Sensor Measurements and Snow/soil Mechanical, Thermal, and Hydrologic Processes
- The Seasonal Evolution of Albedo in a Snow-ice-land-ocean Environment
- Where has the ice Gone? Rapid Thinning of Arctic sea ice in the Western Arctic Ocean
- 3-D Waveguide Effects of Topographical Structural Variation on Full Waveform Propagation: 3-D Finite Difference Modeling Comparisons with Field Data From Yuma Proving Ground, Arizona
- A Discrete Element Model of the Micromechanical Processes that Control Snow Deformation
- Aerosol and chemical loading in the snow cover of northwestern Alaska during the winter of 2001-2002
- An Innovative Technique for Using Ground Penetrating Radar to Track Ice-Flow Velocities at Depth, Matanuska Glacier, Alaska
- Assessment of the Sensitivity of Radar Backscatter to Seasonal Snow and Vegetation Thaw Dynamics in a Boreal Ecosystem
- Current Research in trace gas composition conducted at the Summit Research Camp, in Central Greenland.
- Dynamic Observations of Ground Water Flow Through Discontinuous Permafrost Zones and Varied Alluvial Media
- Evidence and Implications of Recent Climate Change in Terrestrial Regions of the Arctic
- Graded glaciers?: Supercooling Controls on Deepening of Subglacial Troughs
- Ground Penetrating Radar Imaging of Glaciotectonic Sediment Deformation in an Ice-Cored Moraine Generated by Movement of the Buried Ice During a Re-advance of the Active Ice, Matanuska Glacier, Alaska
- Light Transmission Through Snow
- One Model for Scientist Involvement in K-12 Education: Teachers Experiencing Antarctica and the Arctic Program
- Overdeepenings And The Sedimentological Record
- Polar Climate Change from Recent Observations and in Global Climate Models
- Process studies in modern glacial environments: An innovative method and tool for subsurface site characterization at U.S. Army Alaska installations
- Radiocarbon Dating of Overridden Trees, Glacier Bay Alaska: Insights Into Contemporary and Intraglacial Processes
- Snow Layering and Spatial Heterogeneity
- Solar and longwave radiation dynamics around a single conifer tree with implications for snow modeling in forests.
- Spatial Classification Techniques for Synthetic Aperture Radar
- The Cold Land Process Experiment's (CLPX) Local Scale Observation Site
- The Cold Land Processes Field Experiment (CLPX): Satellite Measurements
- Vegetation Feedbacks Explain Recent High-latitude Summer Warming in Alaskan Arctic and Boreal Ecosystems
- Viewable Gap Fraction in Forests at the Landscape and Stand Scale near Fraser, Colorado, USA
- Waveform Attributes of Ground-Penetrating Radar Profiles of Glaciofluvial Sedimentation
- 3D Staggered-Grid Finite-Difference Simulation of Acoustic Waves in Turbulent Moving Media
- A New Quiet GSN Site at the South Pole: Comparison of Seismic Data Between SPA and QSPA.
- A Rising Tide for Polar Science: Efforts of the U.S. National Committee for the International Polar Year
- Antarctic Sea Ice in the IPY
- Assessing, understanding, and conveying the state of the Arctic sea ice cover
- Barrow Ak: A Focal Point for Ice-Albedo-Transmission Feedback Processes in Arctic Sea Ice.
- Coupled Sea Ice Modeling within Global Atmosphere-Ocean Models
- Coupling Near-surface Geophysics with Three-Dimensional Geological Model Building for Environmental Investigations
- Facilitating Participant Success: Teachers Experiencing Antarctica and the Arctic Program
- Frigid air and frozen oceans: Educational outreach opportunities in Arctic ocean-ice-atmosphere research
- From the Sun to the Ice - Then Where? A Bi-polar, Integrated View of the Role of Polar Snow and Floating Ice Covers in the Earth's Heat Budget During IPY 2007/08
- Glaciogeophysics at Matanuska Glacier, Alaska
- Glaciology From ICESat - East Antarctic Megadunes
- Ground-Based FMCW radar measurements: a summary of the NASA CLPX data
- Isotopic Variations in Permafrost on the North Slope of Alaska
- Long-term Studies of Tidewater and Terrestrial Dynamics, Glacier Hydrology, and Holocene and Historic Climate Activity; Glacier Bay, Southeast Alaska
- Measured and Predicted Solar Transmission Through Conifer Canopies
- Methods to Identify and Correct Snow Water Equivalent Pressure Sensor Measurement Errors to Improve Estimates of Water Stored as Snow
- Modelling CLPX IOP3 Radiometric Data by Means of the Dense Media Theory: Preliminary Results for the LSOS Test Site
- Outburst Flooding and Surge Initiation
- Possible Asynchronous Glacial Expansion During Climatic Warming in the Holocene, Glacier Bay Region, Alaska
- Recent climate trends, Glacier Bay, Alaska
- Seismic FDTD Modeling of Surface Waves Over Grid-Transformed and Stair-Stepped Topographies
- Shrub Height and Snow Depth In The Alaskan Arctic
- Snow Cover Depletion and Soil Moisture Recharge at Three Cold Land Processes Experiment (CLPX) Meteorological Sites
- Soil Heat and Water (SHAW) Model Validation During Snowmelt in a Forested and Regenerating Clearcut on a Colorado Subalpine Hillslope
- Surface Water Applications of Satellite Scatterometry
- The Autonomous Real-time Remote Observatory (ARRO)
- The Effect of Illumination and Viewing Geometry and Forest Canopies on the Estimation of Snow Cover Using Remote Sensing
- The Impact of Snow-up Timing on Arctic Winter Soil Temperatures
- The effect of particles on dynamic recrystallization of granular ice during creep
- Tracking Isochronal Radar Reflections Across West Antarctica
- Use of LIDAR for Measuring Snowpack Depth
- Wind and Surface Topography as a Cause of Stratigraphic Deformation in West Antarctica
- 2D Resistivity in Discontinuous Permafrost, Fort Wainwright, Alaska
- A Low Frequency Radar for Direct Measurement of Sea Ice Thickness: Implications of Ice Surface Roughness
- A New Technique for Sampling Firn Air
- Airborne Laser Altimetry (LIDAR) Support of Floodplain Inundation Modeling of Arid Southwest Stream Systems to Predict WoUS Boundaries
- An Array of Ice-Based Observatories for Arctic Studies
- An Autonomous Network Measuring Changes in the Thickness of the Arctic Sea Ice Cover
- Artificial Variability in Radar-Derived Accumulation Rates: Effects of Differential Deposition
- Changing Vegetation and Fluvial Morphology in Northern Alaska Detected Using Aerial Photographs
- Coupled Physical and Chemical Study of the Subarctic Snowpack: Feedback of Metamorphic Intensity on Climate Change
- Determination of Sea Ice Thickness from Angular and Frequency Correlation Functions and by Genetic Algorithm: A Theoretical Study of New Instrument Technology
- Effect of Snow Cover on the Characterization of Seasonal Freeze-Thaw Processes From Spaceborne Radar
- Evidence and Implications of Recent Climate Change in Northern Alaska and Other Arctic Regions
- Factors that influence UV actinic flux in and above Arctic snow
- Flood Inundation Models using Airborne Laser Altimetry (LIDAR) to Establish Significance of Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Indicators for Ordinary High Water Marks in Arid Southwestern Stream Systems
- Gamma Function Parameterization of Sea-Ice Thickness Distribution
- Heat Flux Comparison Using Buoy- and SAR-derived Motion Products From ISW 1992
- Hydrogeophysical characterization of bedrock fracture orientations using azimuthal seismic refraction tomography
- Influence of Snowpack Metamorphism on Tropospheric Chemistry
- Local Scale Radiobrightness Modeling During the Intensive Observing Period-4 of the Cold Land Processes Experiment-1
- Mercury Concentrations in Coastal and Inland Snow In Arctic Alaska
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA) Arctic Climate Change Studies: A Contribution to IPY
- Observations of Halogen Concentrations in Polar Snow near Barrow, Alaska Indicate that Bromide is Highly Affected by Atmospheric Chemistry
- Partial Derivative Modeling of Shallow Seismic Refraction Tomography Data, Fort Wainwright, Fairbanks, Alaska
- Photochemical HCHO and H<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB> Processing in Snow at Summit, Greenland, and at South Pole
- Porosity-Permeability-Salinity Relationships in First-Year Arctic Sea Ice
- Precise Elevation Profiles Across Antarctic Megadunes
- Recent Progress Towards Establishing an Arctic Ocean Observing System - A NOAA Contribution to the Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH)
- Relating GPR to In Situ and Stratigraphically Determined Accumulation Rates at South Pole Station
- Satellite, Observational, Meteorological and Thermal Records From Two Sites in the Antarctic Megadunes - Stability of Atmospheric Forcing, Thermal Cracking, and the Seasonal Evolution of the Thermal Profile
- Seasonal Trends in Snow Photochemistry Impacts on Soluble Acidic Gases at Summit, Greenland
- Shallow (400-MHz) and deep (3-MHz) radar used to image wind erosion features in East Antarctica
- Summary of Planning for IPY 2007-2008
- The Seasonal Evolution of Sea Ice Floe Size Distribution
- Transmission of Solar Radiation Through Summer Melt Ponds
- Variability of the Below Canopy Thermal Structure over Snow
- Where Does Firn Air Come From?
- Above the glacier: non-glacial erosion rates and processes feeding the Matanuska Glacier, Alaska
- Characterization of Primary, Eroded, and Mantled Volcanic Surfaces Using Data Fusion
- Cold-land Processes Pathfinder Mission (CLPP): Advanced Space-based Observation of Fresh Water Stored in Snow
- Delineating Discontinuous Permafrost on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska, With Two-Dimensional Resistivity and Electromagnetic Techniques
- Distinguishing Between Primary and Secondary Emplacement Events of Geologic Deposits Using Rock Size Populations.
- Dynamic Response of Tidewater Glaciers During the Holocene, Glacier Bay, Alaska
- Evolution of Melt Pond Cover in the Beaufort/Chukchi Sea Region During Summer 2004
- LEADX-2005: A system study of near-surface winter tropospheric processes near Barrow, Alaska
- Mapping Antarctic Megadunes and Other Accumulation-related Features on the East Antarctic Plateau
- Measurements of Snow Sublimation Under Laboratory-Controlled Conditions
- Mercury deposition to snow and ice provides a link between the lower atmosphere and the cryosphere in northern Alaska
- Modeling Sea Ice Albedo Feedback and the Ice Mass Balance
- Modelling variability in radiative fluxes on snow surfaces beneath coniferous canopies
- Nye Lecture: Snow Crystals, Shrubs, and the Changing Climate of the Arctic
- On the Role of Spatial Sea-Ice Roughness in Understanding Sea-Ice Properties, Processes and Their Changes
- Passive microwave detected snowmelt and streamflow responses, Matanuska Glacier, Alaska: 1995-2004
- Quantifying Planetary and Terrestrial Geologic Surfaces Using Wavelet Statistics
- Radar Reflection and Scattering Properties from Geologic Surfaces
- Recognition of Ice and Remnant Freezing within GPR profiles of Sedimentary Stratigraphy
- Sensitivity of Energy and Mass Balance over Snow and Sea Ice on Turbulent Flux Parameterization and Snow Processes
- Small-scale spatial variability of sub-canopy radiant energy during snowmelt in deciduous and coniferous forest patches
- Surface and Borehole Neutron Probes for the Construction and Resource Utilization eXplorer (CRUX)
- Using NASA`s Airborne Topographic Mapper IV to Quantify Geomorphic Change in Arid Southwestern Stream Systems
- A Microstructure Based Ray Tracing Model of Radiative Transfer in Snow
- Analysis of Carbon and Nitrogen in Three Particles from Comet Wild-2
- Carbon Speciation and Biogeochemistry in the Chena River of Interior Alaska
- Characteristics of the Alaskan arctic snow pack: results from the SnowSTAR traverses
- Empirical determination of the sublimation rate of snow
- Ground-based FMCW radar measurements for calibration/validation during AMSR-Ice06: Barrow, AK, USA
- Hyperparameter Classification of Arctic Sea Ice and Snow Based on Aerial Laser Data, Passive Microwave Data and Field Data
- Incident Spectral Irradiance at the Surface in the Arctic Basin During The Summer and Fall
- Intermediate Bow Shocks and Magnetic Reconnection in the Magnetosphere
- March 2006 Arctic AMSR-E sea ice validation campaign: Coordinated in-situ, aircraft, and satellite measurements
- Mercury deposition in the snow pack of the arctic Alaskan coastal system
- Numerical Simulation of Infrasonic Signals from Volcanic Eruptions
- Observations of Chemical Composition in Frost Flower Growth Process and Their Implication in Aerosol Production and Bromine Activation Chemistry
- Over-Snow Robots for Polar Instrument Networks
- Parameterizing Arctic sea-ice melt pond characteristics for radiation budgets and climate modeling
- Quantifying Surface Fluctuations Using Optical Flow Techniques and Multi-Temporal LiDAR
- Recent atmospheric evolution of Gaseous Elemental Mercury concentrations revealed by firn air archive at Summit Station, Greenland.
- Regional and interannual variability of sea ice mass balance
- Remote characterization of forest structure for radiative transfer modelling
- Sampling and Studying Permafrost in Alaska and on Mars: Mars Arctic Regions Science Field Experience for Secondary Teachers (MARSFEST)
- Sea ice in the northern Alaskan coastal system
- Snow Properties Considered From a Multiscale Perspective: new Measurement Techniques
- Snow Water Equivalent Pressure Sensor Performance in a Deep Snow Cover
- Studies of the Northern Alaskan Coastal System: Ongoing project work and synthesis activities
- Surface and Downhole Prospecting Tools for Planetary Exploration: Tests of Neutron and Gamma Ray Probes
- The ASPeCt sea ice data set Recent products and applications
- The dynamics of sea ice spring melt: Ramifications for high latitude marine ecosystems
- Trans-polar observations of the morphological properties of Arctic sea ice
- Turbulent Surface Flux Measurements over Snow-Covered Sea Ice
- A Micro-Structural Phase-Field Model for Snow Metamorphism and First Experimental Validations using Migrating Air Inclusions in Ice
- A Multiphase Study of the Chemical Composition of Air, Aerosol Particles, Snow, and Ice Forms Collected Near Barrow, Alaska Provides Information on Bromine Activation
- Arctic Sea Ice Conditions Leading to Record Reduction in Summer 2007
- Arctic sea ice melt in summer 2007: Surface and bottom ice ablation
- Carbon accumulation in bogs and fens after permafrost degradation in central Alaska
- Education Outreach in Village Schools during the SnowSTAR 2007 Alaska-Canada Barren Lands Traverse.
- Estimating snow depth, snow water equivalent, and stratigraphy at high resolution using microwave radar
- From the Ice Sheet at Summit, Greenland to the Earth Science Classroom: Science Research in the Arctic Applied in Middle School Science.
- Generation of Hummocky Flow Morphology Revealed through Ground-based LiDAR Measurements of Actively Inflating Pahoehoe Lavas
- Glaciohydraulic Supercooling and Basal Ice Formation at Outlet Glaciers of Vatnajökull and Oraefajokull, Iceland
- Ground-Penetrating Radar Studies of Late Pleistocene-Holocene Lacustrine Deltas in Lower Taylor Valley, Antarctica: Implications for Lake History
- Hubbard Glacier Update: Another Closure of Russell Fjord in the Making?
- Magnetopause Shape and Polar Cap Potential Under Large Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure
- Microstructural approach towards prediction of air permeability and gas diffusivity in polar firn
- Morphometrics, Erosion Processes and the influence of Climate on Upland Soil-Mantled Landscapes
- Near Realtime Monitoring of Tidewater Glacier Advance and Retreat: Hubbard Glacier, Southeast Alaska
- Observing the Dynamic Component of the Arctic Sea Ice Mass Balance
- Seasonal Aspects of the Biogeochemistry of the Chena River near Fairbanks, Alaska
- Snow on Arctic sea ice
- Snow on Arctic sea ice: Updating the climatology and assessing its impact on ice ablation
- Accumulation Patterns and Basal Conditions from Radar Observations Along the US- ITASE Traverse in East Antarctica
- Albedo changes of the Arctic sea ice cover
- Arctic Sea Ice Melt in the Summer of 2008
- Bow Shock Configurations as Affected by Planetary Dipole Tilt under Intermediate MHD Solar Wind Conditions
- Comparison between Ground and Helicopter Electromagnetic Sea Ice Thickness Measurements from SEDNA during APLIS07 in the Beaufort Sea
- Development of an Autonomous Buoy for Year-Round Measurement of Ozone, CO2, and BrO Over the Arctic Ocean
- FASST modeled snow predictions in vegetatated and non-vegetated environments
- Five Snow Sublimation Estimates From Barrow, Alaska Using Eddy Correlation and One- and Two-Level Profile Methods
- Geophysical investigation of permafrost, Shishmaref Alaska
- High resolution ground-based snow measurements during the NASA CLPX-II campaign, North Slope, Alaska
- Implications of the representation of snowpack stratigraphy for large-scale passive microwave remote sensing
- Megapackets and Megapseudosynclines Profiled With GPR East of the Megadunes Region, East Antarctica
- Melt Pond Development on Arctic Land-Fast Sea Ice in Relation to Snow and Ice Properties During the Ice Growth Season
- Mercury and major element snowmelt chemistry at an Alaskan Arctic coastal site
- Microorganisms Trapped Within Permafrost Ice In The Fox Permafrost Tunnel, Alaska
- Monitoring Tidewater Terminus Dynamics Using Laser Ranging and Fixed Photography: Hubbard Glacier, Southeast Alaska
- Recent State of Arctic Sea Ice
- Seasonality of Spectral Albedo and Transmission of Sea Ice in the Transpolar Drift, Arctic Ocean
- SnowSTAR2002 transect reconstruction using a multilayered energy and mass balance snow model
- Stratigraphy and Geomorphology of Late Pleistocene Moraine at the Mouth of Taylor Valley, Antarctica: Implications for the Melting History of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet During the Last Deglaciation
- Stress and strain-rate comparisons between observed in situ buoy arrays and ice models
- Sub-canopy radiant energy during snowmelt in non-uniform forests spanning a latitudinal transect
- The Effects of Freezing, Melting and Partial Ice Cover on Gas Transport in Laboratory Seawater Experiments
- The Role of Albedo as a Forcing in the Formation and Development of Melt Ponds on Undeformed First Year Sea Ice
- Using Ground-Penetrating Radar to Estimate Sediment Accumulation in a Reservoir: Ball Mountain Dam, West River, Vermont
- Using NIR Photography to Document Snow Stratigraphy Quickly: Lessons from Three Field Campaigns
- Validation of Binary, Fractional and Interpolated Snow Maps at Multiple Resolutions
- Validation of Fractional Snow Cover from AVHRR using Landsat TM
- A Seasonal Comparison of GPR and Resistivity Data Quality for Permafrost Mapping
- A tool for rapid snow depth, stratigraphy, and SWE measurements: portable microwave radar
- Accumulation Rate Variability along Norway-US Traverse Route, East Antarctica
- Application of Ground Penetrating Radar and Geodetics to the Selection of an Ice Core Drill Site on the Kahiltna Glacier of Mount McKinley, Alaska
- Atmospheric Mercury in an Arctic OASIS (Ocean-Atmosphere-Sea Ice-Snow pack)
- Barrow Arctic Terrestrial Observatory (BATO): An IPY Legacy
- Developing Three-Dimension Permafrost Maps to Support Site Characterization and Long-Term Monitoring, Fairbanks Alaska
- Dry Snow Temperature Gradient Metamorphism: Is Our Picture Correct?
- Firn Properties and Satellite Imagery: Early Results from the Norwegian-US Scientific Traverse of East Antarctica
- Investigating Tidewater Glacier Advance/Retreat Cycles Using a Multi-year Dataset Hubbard Glacier, Southeast Alaska
- Large-scale impact of anthropogenic mercury during the 1970s revealed by polar firn air
- Lattice Boltzmann modeling of air flow through firn from a Megadunes area of East Antarctica
- Mapping the Tidewater Submarine and Ice-Marginal Environment Using Interferometric Bathymetry, Ground-Based LiDAR and Current Velocities; Hubbard Glacier, Alaska
- Mass-independent fractionation of Hg stable isotopes during Arctic atmospheric mercury depletion events
- Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Metamorphosing Snow: A Numerical Study Based on X-ray Microtomography Images
- Mercury in the Arctic spring: a tracer for physical and chemical processes linking the atmosphere to the land and sea (Invited)
- Near-bed, aeolian sediment transport under non-uniform flows
- Pleistocene cooling event in a Central Alaskan ice wedge: Dansgaard-Oeschger cycle?
- Polar Engineering and Research to Address Operational Challenges in Austere Environments
- Quantifying Ice Marginal and Submarine Environments During Seasonal Advance and Retreat, Hubbard Glacier, Southeast Alaska USA
- Shallow Firn Properties and Accumulation Rates at Sites in East Antarctica
- Terrestrial LiDAR Measurements on a Large East Greenland Outlet Glacier
- The Ice Stories experience: a researcher's point of view
- The geochemical composition of frost flowers in the Alaskan Arctic and their role in mercury deposition
- The interaction of solar radiation with young ice (Invited)
- Transmission of sunlight through melting Arctic sea ice (Invited)
- Use of a discrete element model to study failure modes of a sea ice cover
- Using Repeated Spatial Patterns of Tundra Snow to Improve Snow Distribution Modeling
- A Changing Arctic Sea Ice Cover and the Partitioning of Solar Radiation
- A Framework for Thinking about the Spatial Variability of Snow across Multiple Scales and Climate Zones (Invited)
- A comparison of Ground-Based LiDAR, contact spectroscopy, FMCW radar, and manual snow pit profiles of a mountain snowpack
- A comparison of field methods for grain size characterization in the context of passive microwave modeling of snow
- A surface water Isoscape for Alaska reveals the climate, moisture source, and physiographic controls on δ18O, δD, and deuterium excess
- An Assessment of the AMSR-E Snow Depth on Sea Ice Algorithm Using the March 2006 Arctic Field Campaign Aircraft Measurements
- Annual Snow Assessments Using Multi-spectral and Passive Microwave Remote Sensing
- Application of Helicopter Electromagnetics as Part of an Integrated Program to Map Permafrost, Fairbanks, Alaska
- Assessing Solid-State SWE Sensors in Windy Arctic Conditions
- Assessment of Glassy and Vesicular Textures on Silicic Lava Domes through Analysis of Ground-based and Airborne LIDAR Data
- Comparison of image derived, measured and modeled SWE in relation to snow-melt runoff for the Senator Beck basin, CO during the spring of 2010
- Crevasse Detection and Avoidance for Safe Traversing on the Dynamic and Annually Changing Margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Damming of Russell Fiord by Tidewater Hubbard Glacier, Alaska: Role of Subglacial Meltwater in Preventing Closure in 2010
- Deployment of an Ecosystem Warming Prototype at the Fairbanks Permafrost Experiment Station
- Determining fate and transport parameters for nitroglycerine, 2,4-dinitrotoluine, and nitroguanidine in soils
- Dissolution of Unfired and Fired Propellants and Transport of Released Nitroglycerine, 2,4-Dinitrotoluine, and Nitroguanidine in Soils
- Diversion of Sediment from Russell Fiord by Ice-marginal and Marine Processes, Hubbard Glacier: Implications for Calculating Sediment Yield and Denudation Rates
- Field Collection Efforts of Snowpack Properties in Support of Remote Sensing Applications
- First Measurements of Osmium Concentration and Isotopic Composition in a Summit, Greenland Ice Core
- Flow Characteristics of Tidewater Glaciers in Greenland and Alaska using Ground-Based LiDAR
- Great Kobuk Sand Dunes, Alaska: A Terrestrial Analog Site for Polar, Topographically Confined Martian Dune Fields
- Ice Roads in the Northwest Territories: The Intersection of Climate, Economics, and Transportation Policy (Invited)
- Insights from a Geophysical and Geomorphological Mars Analog Field Study at the Great Kobuk Sand Dunes, Northwestern Alaska
- Inter-annual and intra-seasonal flow variability of Hubbard Glacier - an advancing tidewater glacier in SE Alaska
- Long term Measurements of ozone, bromine monoxide and carbon dioxide over the Frozen Arctic Ocean Surface: first data from O-Buoy Deployments
- Major element concentrations in six Alaskan arctic rivers from melt to freeze-up
- Marine Geophysical Surveying Along the Hubbard Glacier Terminus, Southeast Alaska
- Maxwell Wagner Relaxation in Common Minerals and a Desert Soil at Low Water Contents
- Melt Regimes, Internal Stratigraphy, and Flow Dynamics of Three Glaciers in the Alaska Range
- Northern Hemisphere cryosphere radiative forcing and albedo feedback during 1979-2008
- Ordinary High Water Mark in ephemeral and intermittent channels in the arid southwestern United States
- Quantifying Snow Transport Using Snow Fences and Sonic Sensors
- Rejuvenation of Arctic Sea Ice and Tropospheric Chemical Change
- Seasonal changes in the major ion and δ13CDIC geochemistry of Arctic Alaskan rivers
- Seasonal variability of dissolved organic carbon and total dissolved nitrogen in Arctic streams and rivers
- Snow Hydrology Model Combined with Remotely Sensed Snow Observations in the Upper Helmand Watershed, Afghanistan (Invited)
- The Fresh Meltwater in the Sea Ice System
- Willow Shrub Expansion Following Tundra Fires in Arctic Alaska
- A Coordinated Ice-based and Airborne Snow and Ice Thickness Measurement Campaign on Arctic Sea Ice
- Alpine snow distribution from-ground based radar measurements compared with a high resolution digital elevation model from ground-based LiDAR observations
- Anticipated impacts of climate warming on ecosystems in Interior Alaska
- Arctic Snow Distribution Patterns at the Watershed Scale
- Assimilation of MODIS and AMSR-E Snow Parameter Observations into a Physical Snow Model
- Automated Terrestrial LiDAR Scanning of Seasonal Snow Accumulation and Ablation
- Autonomous observations of the spatial variability and temporal evolution of Arctic sea ice mass balance
- CAREER Educational Outreach: Inquiry-based Atmospheric Science Lessons for K-12 students
- Changing ice and changing light: Partitioning of sunlight in a new Arctic sea ice cover
- Collection of Arctic Ocean Data from US Navy Submarines on the New SCICEX Program
- Comparison of ground-based LiDAR and ground-based radar of southwestern Colorado snowpack
- Comparison of the AMSR-E and SSM/I SWE Estimates in the Major Afghanistan Watersheds
- Discrete Element Modeling for Mobility and Excavation
- Dissolved nitrogen seasonal dynamics in Alaskan Arctic streams & rivers
- Hydro-climatology of a discontinuous permafrost watershed in Interior Alaska
- Hydrogeologic Controls on Lake Level at Mountain Lake, Virginia
- Ice wedge growth in the Fox Permafrost Tunnel dates to marine isotope stage II?
- Influence of Permafrost Active Layer Dynamics on Trace Metals in Two Small Alaskan Arctic Rivers
- Measurements of snow microstructure using field and laboratory methods across an elevational gradient in Colorado, USA
- Near surface and subsurface firn properties of antidunal accumulation regimes and implications for macro-scale processes
- O-buoy measurements over the Arctic sea ice: Temporal and spatial extents of ozone depletion events
- Passive microwave detection of snowmelt and runoff
- Performance Characteristics of the Electronic Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) Sensor in Arctic, Marine, and Humid Continental Climates
- Pleistocene ice-rich yedoma in Interior Alaska
- Response of Permafrost to Anthropogenic Land Surface Disturbance near Fairbanks, Alaska
- Seasonal Variability of Major Ions and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C<SUB>DIC</SUB> in Permafrost Watersheds of Arctic Alaska
- Simulated 20th-21st century Arctic sea ice in CCSM4: Changing seasonality and its role on the surface albedo feedback
- Spatial Stability of Accumulation Sources within the Dune Fields of Byrd Catchment: Evidence from Stratigraphic Harmonic Folding of Interior Basal Slip
- Summer and Fall Sea Ice Processes in the Amundsen Sea: Bottom melting, surface flooding and snow ice formation
- The BRomine, Ozone, and Mercury EXperiment (BROMEX)
- The CRREL Seasonal Ice Mass Balance Buoy: Reduced Cost Ice Mass Balance Monitoring in the Seasonal Ice Zone
- The NRL 2011 Airborne Sea-Ice Thickness Campaign
- The Radiation Budget of Sea Ice during the Springtime Melt
- The formation of a 26m ice cover on Lake Vida, Antarctica
- Thule to Summit: Accumulation variability, surface elevation, and satellite altimeter validation from ground-penetrating radar and GPS profiles
- Thule to Summit: Understanding the Physical Properties of Northern Greenland Near-Surface Snow and Firn
- Thule to Summit: Using the physical and chemical properties of shallow firn to describe glacier facies, accumulation, and 55 years of change
- Understanding the Factors That Control Snow Albedo Over Central Greenland
- Utilizing the Fox Permafrost Tunnel, the Pewe Permafrost Reserve, and the new CRRL Permafrost Tunnel in central Alaska for student field work and research
- δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and δD suggest episodic Late Pleistocene ice wedge growth in Central Alaska
- A New 1064 nm Ground-Based LiDAR Instrument for Quantifying Dynamic Glacier Processes; First Results From Helheim Glacier, Southeast Greenland
- A year-long journey across the Arctic Ocean: the story of the chemical composition of the air as recorded by O-Buoy # 4
- An Automated Method for Delineating Braided River Water Surface Area from RGB Imagery
- An assessment of IceBridge airborne data quality over Arctic sea ice via comparison with in situ measurements gathered in the Beaufort Sea
- Arctic sea ice albedo through the summer melt cycle: CCSM4 compared with a satellite/empirical record over 1979 -2005
- Autonomous Rovers for Polar Science Campaigns
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- Can we estimate precipitation rate during snowfall using a scanning terrestrial LiDAR?
- Changing sources and sinks of carbon in boreal ecosystems of Interior Alaska: Current and future perspectives
- Characterizing active volcanic processes at Kilauea volcano using LiDAR scanning
- Comparison of Coordinated Satellite and Ground-based X-Band Radar Collections for the Retrieval of Snow Parameters
- Concentrations of total and dissolved Hg in snow and vapor deposition collected during Atmospheric Mercury Depletion Events (AMDEs) in Barrow, Alaska during the BROMEX campaign
- Contributing factors to an enhanced ice albedo feedback in Arctic sea ice
- Contributions of GRACE to Understanding of Spatial Distribution of Spring Flooding in Snow-dominated Afghan Watersheds
- Development and Use of Overland Traversing Capabilities As a Science Platform on the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Dynamic crevasses on the northwest margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet: observations of rapid change and relationships to geophysical and climatological trends
- Dynamic interactions of snow and plants in the boreal forest, winter 2011-2012 revealed by time-lapse photography and LiDAR
- Estimating historical and future changes in extreme hydro-climate events in Interior Alaskan watersheds
- Examining the ability of snow and sea ice to maintain halogen activation
- First Results from Airborne and Ground-based LiDAR Studies in Northern Alaska
- Five Years of Variability in Snow Depth and Active Layer Hydrologic and Thermal Regime Across an Ice Wedge Polygon in Barrow, Alaska
- Four years of sea ice thickness and snow depth results from Operation IceBridge: results, accuracy assessments, and future directions
- GPR Profiles of Stratified Deposits in Eastern Taylor Valley, Antarctica: Permafrost Periglacial or Glacial?
- Geochemical cycling and depositional patterns across the northeast region of the Greenland Ice Sheet as determined from trace element chemistry
- High-Frequency Terrestrial LiDAR Scanning Reveals Connections between Environmental Drivers and Thaw Slump Headwall Retreat Rate and Form, Selawik River, Alaska
- Horizontal gradients of bromine monoxide (BrO) across the lead and young sea ice features, from surface based instruments near Barrow, AK during the BRomine, Ozone, Mercury EXperiment (BROMEX), Spring 2012
- Influence of Permafrost Active Layer Dynamics on Trace Metals in Two Small Alaskan Arctic Rivers
- Long-term seasonal observations over the transitioning Arctic Ocean pack-ice: The O-Buoy Chemical Network
- Merging Observations, Remote Sensing, and Modeling to Delineate Multi-Scale Snow Patterns
- Multi-Bandwidth GPR Profiles of Granite in New Hampshire: Attributes of Fracture Horizons and Wavelets
- Northern Hemisphere Glacier and ice cap surface mass balance and runoff modeling
- Observations of Fabric Development in Polycrystalline Ice at Basal Pressures: Methods and Initial Results
- Partnership with informal education learning centers to develop hands-on activities for research outreach efforts
- Real-Time Observations of Optical Properties of Arctic Sea Ice with an Autonomous System
- Saline Snow Surfaces and Arctic Bromine Activation
- Seasonal Asynchrony in Terrestrial Nutrient Production and Demand Drives Nutrient Delivery to Arctic Streams
- Seasonal dynamics of particulate organic carbon and nitrogen in Alaskan Arctic streams and rivers
- Seasonal-to-Decadal Predictions of Arctic Sea Ice: Challenges and Strategies
- Shallow Geology and Permafrost Characterization using Ground-Penetrating Radar to infer Hydrological Controls and Landscape Evolution of Interior Alaska
- Simulating Soil Warming on a Permafrost Ecosystem in Fairbanks, Alaska
- Snow Conditions Near Barrow in Spring 2012
- Snow and Vegetation Interactions at Boundaries in Alaska's Boreal Forest
- Snow pit studies from the 2008-9 Norway-US Scientific Traverse of East Antarctica
- Snow, Wind, Sun, and Time - How snow-driven processes control the Arctic sea ice
- Statistical Analyses of High-Resolution Aircraft and Satellite Observations of Sea Ice: Applications for Improving Model Simulations
- Temporal and spatial characteristics of surface ozone depletion events from measurements over the Arctic Ocean
- The O-Buoy Chemical Network
- Vertical transport of rain through a snowpack: Experimentation and numerical modeling
- A Decade of Arctic Sea Ice Thickness Change from Airborne and Satellite Altimetry (Invited)
- A methodology for quantifying volumetric changes at the Overlook pit of Kilauea Volcano using ground-based LiDAR
- Black carbon and other absorbing impurities in northwestern Greenland
- Classification of Intermountain West Subgrid Snowpack Variability Using Airborne Lidar Observations
- Climate Comics: polar research in a cartoon form
- Coast-to-interior gradients and recent trends in physical and chemical properties of near-surface snow and firn in northwest Greenland
- Comparison of snow melt properties across multiple spatial scales and landscape units in interior sub-Arctic boreal Alaskan watersheds
- Developing an Ice Volume Estimate of Jarvis Glacier, Alaska, using Ground-Penetrating Radar and High Resolution Satellite Imagery
- GPR Profiles of Mirror Lake, NH: Exceptional Signal Penetration in Low Conductivity Water and Subbottom Sedimentation
- Ground-Penetrating Radar vertical resolution, signal attenuation, and penetration in temperate and polar glaciers: Case studies from North America and Antarctica
- Integration of ground-based and airborne lidar data for improved terrain modeling and snow mapping (Invited)
- It is the North Pole: Sea ice observations at the North Pole Environmental Observatory
- Linking IceBridge, ICESat, and CryoSat-2 for improved seasonal to decadal-scale estimates of sea ice thickness and volume (Invited)
- Monitoring Tidewater Glacier Processes Using A Long-Range Terrestrial LiDAR Scanner; Comparative Results From Helheim Glacier Southeast Greenland and Hubbard Glacier Southeast Alaska
- Monitoring the Snowpack in Remote, Ungauged Mountains
- Observations of ice motion changes at the terminus of Hubbard Glacier using co-located ground-based radar interferometer and LiDAR scanning systems (Invited)
- Photochemical Bromine Production from Arctic Surface Snowpacks and Resulting Chemistry Aloft (Invited)
- Pronounced Warming of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Propagation Tests in SnowPilot
- River Channel Expansion Reveals Ice Sheet Runoff Variations
- Satellite and In Situ Observations of Arctic Sea Ice Floe Breakup and Melt
- Snow Pattern Delineation Using Ground Observations, Remote Sensing, and Modeling
- Spatial variability of snow physical properties across northwestern Greenland
- Spring-to-summer sea ice floe breakup during 2012 monitored by high resolution SAR and autonomous observing platforms
- Surface Roughness Impact on the Sea Ice Thickness Measurements Based on LIDAR/Radar Altimetry
- The Adopt-A-Buoy Project: A Firsthand Experience for Students in Collecting, Processing and Analyzing Environmental Data
- The Arctic Report Card: Communicating the State of the Rapidly Changing Arctic to a Diverse Audience via the Worldwide Web
- The Arctic seasonal snow pack as a transfer mechanism and a reactor for lower atmosphere chemical compounds (Invited)
- The Effect of Lava Texture on LiDAR Attributes and Full Waveform
- The History of Winter: teachers as scientists
- The Ordinary High Water Mark in New England Rivers: Relationships Between Field Indicators and Hydrology
- Tree-cover and topography effects on local-infrasound propagation
- What's down below? Current and potential future applications of geophysical techniques to identify subsurface permafrost conditions (Invited)
- A Comparison of Arctic Ozone Depletion Event Characteristics from Coastal- and Ocean-based Observations
- Advances in Airborne Altimetric Techniques for the Measurement of Snow on Arctic Sea Ice
- Albedo Drop on the Greenland Ice Sheet: Relative Impacts of Wet and Dry Snow Processes
- Autonomous Observations of the Heat and Mass Balance of Arctic Sea Ice
- Characterizing sea ice surface morphology using high-resolution IceBridge data
- Comparison of Snow Depth Measurements and Snow Patterns at Scales Ranging from 1 km<SUP>2</SUP> to 210 km<SUP>2</SUP>
- Continuous Monitoring of Greenland Outlet Glaciers Using an Autonomous Terrestrial LiDAR Scanning System: Design, Development and Testing at Helheim Glacier
- CryoVEx2014: Observations of Arctic Snow and Sea Ice Properties for Validation of Cryosat and Icebridge Retrievals
- Development of a surface-wave imaging system for geotechnical applications based on distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) and ambient noise interferometry
- Freshwater - the key to melt pond formation atop first year sea ice
- Frozen in Time? Microbial strategies for survival and carbon metabolism over geologic time in a Pleistocene permafrost chronosequence
- Geophysical imaging reveals brine system beneath an ice-sealed Antarctic lake
- Ground Ice in the New Crrel Permafrost Tunnel
- High-resolution sea ice dynamics modeling using the discrete element method
- Integrated Airborne and In-Situ Measurements over Land-Fast Ice near Barrow, AK.
- Integration of geophysical, ground surface, and remote sensing methods to identify ice features in discontinuous permafrost near Fairbanks, Alaska
- Investigating the summer evolution of floe size distribution in the Beaufort Sea
- Lava Lake Thermal Pattern Classification Using Self-Organizing Maps and Relationships to Eruption Processes at Kīlauea Volcano, Hawaii
- Mapping starting zone snow depth with a ground-based LiDAR to improve avalanche control and forecasting
- NASA IceBridge: Airborne surveys of the polar sea ice covers
- Optical Measurements and Analysis of Sea Ice in the Chukchi Sea during the Onset of 2014 Melt
- Processing time-series point clouds to reveal strain conditions of the Helheim Glacier terminus and its adjacent mélange
- Quantifying Snow Volume Uncertainty from Repeat Terrestrial Laser Scanning Observations
- Quantifying the accuracy of snow water equivalent estimates using broadband radar signal phase
- Recent Advances in Satellite and Airborne Altimetry over Arctic Sea Ice
- Repeat Terrestrial LiDAR Scanning at Kilauea Volcano Reveals Basaltic Lava Lake Surface Slope, Structure and Micro-pistoning
- Results from the Sunlight Absorption on the Greenland Ice Sheet Experiment (SAGE)
- SAGE 2014: Grain size variability across the Sunlight Absorption on the Greenland ice sheet Experiment (SAGE) traverse route
- SAGE 2014: Spatial and Seasonal Variability in the Accumulation of Black Carbon and Soluble Ions in the Snow Pack in Northwest Greenland.
- Sea ice dynamics and the role of wind forcing over the Beaufort Sea
- Seasonal evolution of melt pond characteristics derived from Worldview and Quickbird imagery
- Snow Pattern Delineation, Scaling, Fidelity, and Landscape Factors
- Spatial Heterogeneity in Arctic Tundra Snow: Processes, Patterns, and Problems
- Surface deformation and seismic signatures associated with the eruption cycle of Lone Star Geyser, Yellowstone National Park
- The Effect of Subsurface Parameterizations on Modeled Flows in the Catchment Land Surface Model, Fortuna 2.5
- The Spring 2014 Mesoscale Ensemble Prediction System "Dust Offensive"
- Tidewater Glacier Velocities from Repeat Ground-Based Terrestrial LiDAR Scanning; Helheim Glacier, Southeast Greenland
- Open Source, Browser-based WebGL Point Cloud Visualization
- A Needed Paradigm Change for Environmental Soil Sampling at Urban Sites
- A Record of Rising 20<SUP>th</SUP> Century Snow Accumulation from the Denali Ice Core
- Ambient Noise Surface Wave Tomography for Geotechnical Monitoring Using "Large N" Distributed Acoustic Sensing
- Autonomous Rover for Polar GPR Surveys
- Calculating LiDAR Point Cloud Uncertainty and Propagating Uncertainty to Snow-Water Equivalent Data Products
- Constraining Aggregate-Scale Solar Energy Partitioning in Arctic Sea Ice Through Synthesis of Remote Sensing and Autonomous In-Situ Observations.
- Denali Ice Core Record of North Pacific Hydroclimate, Temperature and Atmospheric Circulation over the Past Millennium
- Denali Ice Core record of Alaska Summertime Temperature over the past Millennium
- Dynamic Controls on Recent Increases in Northwest Greenland Coastal Precipitation
- Ensemble Prediction and Uncertainty Quantification of the Propagation of Weak Seismic Pulses with Minimal Site Characterization
- Fast Algorithm for Continuous Monitoring with Ambient Noise
- Ground-based LiDAR integration with avalanche control operations: target planning and assessment of control effectiveness
- Impact of weather events on Arctic sea ice albedo evolution
- Influence of ice thickness and surface properties on light transmission through Arctic sea ice
- Integrated Airborne and In-Situ Measurements Over Land-Fast Ice Near Barrow, AK.
- Interactions Between Ice Thickness, Bottom Ice Algae, and Transmitted Spectral Irradiance in the Chukchi Sea
- Investigating the 'Iron Hypothesis' in the North Pacific: Trans-Pacific Dust and Methanesulfonate (MSA) in the Denali Ice Core, Alaska
- Long-term Autonomous Tidewater Glacier Monitoring Using a Long-Range Terrestrial LiDAR Scanner; Helheim Glacier, Southeast Greenland
- Mapping the Changing Extent and Thickness of Arctic Multiyear Sea Ice
- Modeling Greenland's Climate Response to the Presence of Biomass Burning Aerosols in the Atmosphere and Snow
- NASA IceBridge: Scientific Insights from Airborne Surveys of the Polar Sea Ice Covers
- Neither Dust Nor Black Carbon Causing Apparent Albedo Decline in Greenland's Dry Snow Zone; Uncorrected Sensor Degradation Impacting MODIS C5 Results
- Red-Edge Spectral Reflectance as an Indicator of Surface Moisture Content in an Alaskan Peatland Ecosystem
- Repeatability of Surface Wave Velocity Estimates from Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) Data
- Seasonal Changes of Arctic Sea Ice Physical Properties Observed During N-ICE2015: An Overview
- Snow in Large-Scale Sea Ice Models: State-of-the-Art and Way Forward
- Spatial and Temporal Snow Grain Size Variability across Northwestern Greenland
- Surface and Ocean Fluxes from Ice Mass Balance Observations
- The impact of the snow cover on sea-ice thickness products retrieved by Ku-band radar altimeters
- The present and future of using InSAR to estimate SWE
- USGS Imagery Applications During Disaster Response After Recent Earthquakes
- Variability of subglacial discharge recorded with thermal infrared timelapse of a tidewater glacier, West Greenland
- "Rotten Ice": Characterizing the Physical Properties of Arctic Sea Ice Under Conditions of Extreme Summer Melt
- 3D Spatial and Spectral Fusion of Terrestrial Hyperspectral Imagery and Lidar for Hyperspectral Image Shadow Restoration Applied to a Geologic Outcrop
- Ambient Vehicular Noise recorded on a 2D Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing Array :Applications to Permafrost Thaw Detection and Imaging
- An Ice Core Perspective on Aleutian Low Variability over the Common Era
- An Integrated Investigation of the Sea Ice-Ocean Energy Balance using Satellite Remote Sensing, Autonomous In-Situ Observations, and Three-Dimensional Sea Ice Modelling.
- Analysis and attenuation of artifacts caused by spatially and temporally correlated noise sources in Green's function estimates
- Arctic Sea Ice Classification and Mapping for Surface Albedo Parameterization in Sea Ice Modeling
- Autonomous Ice Mass Balance Observations for Changing Arctic Sea Ice Conditions
- Bio-Optical Observations of Light Attenuation through Sea Ice During Melt Onset
- Biomass Burning Emissions and Transport of Black Carbon (BC) to the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) in 2013
- Broad Applications for X-Ray Micro-Computed Tomography
- Characterizing "Rotten" Ice: Changes in first-year Arctic sea ice during advanced summer melt
- Comparison of PALSAR-2 Interferometric Estimates of Snow Water Equivalent, Airborne Snow Observatory Snow Depths, and Results from a Distributed Energy Balance Snow Model (iSnobal)
- Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing of Earthquake Wavefields
- Effect of Atmospheric Forcing Data on the Large-Scale Streamflow Simulations
- From Icefield to Ocean: Investigating Biophysical Linkages at Wolverine Glacier Alaska
- Helicopter-based Airborne Laser Scanning for Quantifying Volumetric Change of a Glacier: Wolverine Glacier, Alaska
- High frequency acoustic reflections from an air-snow interface
- High-Resolution Tidewater Glacier Monitoring Using Automated Multi-Temporal Terrestrial LiDAR; Year One Results, Helheim Glacier, Southeast Greenland
- Impact of Ice and Snow properties on Freeboard Retrieval and Ice Thickness Calculation from ALS, ASIRAS and CryoSat-2
- LiDAR Detection of Permafrost Change
- Life Cores: A Sci-Art Collaboration Between a Snow/Ice Researcher, an Artist/Educator, Students, and Street Road Artists Space
- Modeled Response of Greenland Climate to the Presence of Biomass Burning-Based Absorbing Aerosols in the Atmosphere and Snow
- Modeling Transport and Processing of Light Absorbing Aerosols Deposited on the Greenland Ice Sheet in 2013
- Monitoring an Induced Permafrost Warming Experiment Using ERT, Temperature, and NMR in Fairbanks, Alaska
- Prediction of Melt Pond Formation Date using a Resolved Melt Pond Model: Surface Flux Sensitivity
- Quality of Green's Functions Improved by Automatic Detection and Removal of Coherent Anthropogenic Noise
- Quantifying Local Ablation Rates for the Greenland Ice Sheet Using Terrestrial LIDAR
- Radar Detection of Layering in Ice: Experiments on a Constructed Layered Ice Sheet
- Relationship of Cryofacies, Surface and Subsurface Terrain Conditions in the Brooks Range and Foothills of Northern Alaska
- Routine Mapping of the Snow Depth Distribution on Sea Ice
- SAGE: Attribution of Biomass Burning Tracers sampled on the Greenland Ice Sheet in 2013
- Sea Ice Mass Balance Buoys (IMBs): First Results from a Data Processing Intercomparison Study
- Sea Ice Pressure Ridge Height Distributions for the Arctic Ocean in Winter, Just Prior to Melt
- Sea Ice Summer Camp: Bringing Together Arctic Sea Ice Modelers and Observers
- Seasonal thickness changes of Arctic sea ice north of Svalbard and implications for satellite remote sensing, ecosystem, and environmental management
- Seismic Monitoring of Permafrost During Controlled Thaw: An Active-Source Experiment Using a Surface Orbital Vibrator and Fiber-Optic DAS Arrays
- Snow conditions over the Arctic Ocean, north of Svalbard, during the "Norwegian Young Sea ICE Cruise" (N-ICE2015)
- Subsidence detection in Grizzly Island in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California
- Sunlight Absorption on the Greenland Ice Sheet Experiment (SAGE) - Tracing black carbon from emissions to deposition
- Supporting, Evaluating, and Planning Avalanche Control Efforts with Lidar-Derived Snow Depth Map
- The Annual Cycle of the Mass Balance of Arctic Sea Ice
- The Arctic Ocean Ice Mass Balance Buoy Program: Demonstrating the Value of Sustained Observations
- The effects of meteorology and air mass history on ozone depletion events in the Arctic Ocean boundary layer
- The impact of short-term heat storage on the ice-albedo feedback loop
- Thermokarst Caves, Baydzherakhs, and Thaw Subsidence, Oh My! Combining Ground Based Geophysics and Survey Measurements With Airborne LiDAR to Understand Rates and Patterns of Rapid Permafrost Thaw
- Using Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing to Monitor Large Scale Permafrost Transitions: Preliminary Results from a Controlled Thaw Experiment
- Using passive fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing to estimate soil water content at a discontinuous permafrost site
- Web Tools Streamline Climate Preparedness and Resilience Planning and Implementation for Water Resources Infrastructure
- 4-D permafrost thaw observations from ambient road traffic noise and a very dense distributed fiber optic sensing array
- <SUP> 36</SUP>Cl, <SUP>10</SUP>Be and <SUP>26</SUP>Al analyses from the GISP2 bedrock core and the stability of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- A 400-year ice core melt layer record of summertime warming in the Alaska Range
- A Tool for Assessing Future Capacity Loss Due to Sedimentation in the United States' Reservoirs
- A cross-scale framework of peatland resilience based on long-term research in interior Alaska and the Northwest Territories, Canada
- A full year of snow on sea ice observations and simulations - Plans for MOSAiC 2019/20
- AirSWOT flights and field campaigns for the 2017 Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE)
- Analysis of ArcticDEM orthorectification for polar navigational traverses
- Autonomous Ice Mass Balance Buoys for Seasonal Sea Ice
- Biogeochemical Attributes That Affect the Fate and Transport of Military Relevant Contaminants Under Freeze-thaw Conditions
- Brine, englacial structure, and basal properties near the terminus of the McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Characterizing and Addressing the Need for Statistical Adjustment of Global Climate Model Data
- Contributions to Jarvis Creek Watershed, Alaska, from Winter Accumulation and Glacier Melt Inferred Through Airborne and Ground-Penetrating Radar
- Denali Ice Core MSA: A Record of North Pacific Primary Productivity
- Elevational and Spatial Gradients of Atmospheric Metal Pollution in the North Pacific
- Evaluation and Application of Gridded Snow Water Equivalent Products for Improving Snowmelt Flood Predictions in the Red River Basin of the North
- Evaluation of the ICESat-2 Inland Water Height Data Product Using Airborne Multiple Altimeter Beam Experimental Lidar (MABEL) Observations from Above the Troposphere
- Field Observations and Modeling Results of the McMurdo Shear Zone, Antarctica: Implications on Shear Margin Dynamics and Long- Term Viability of the South Pole Traverse
- Ice roughness and momentum transfer in the Arctic marginal ice zone
- Impacts and societal benefits of research activities at Summit Station, Greenland
- Improving Estimates of Regional Infrasound Propagation by Incorporating Three-Dimensional Weather Modeling
- Investigating the Relationships between Canopy Characteristics and Snow Depth Distribution at Fine Scales: Preliminary Results from the SnowEX TLS Campaign
- Microbes and Microstructure: Dust's Role in the Snowpack Evolution
- Partitioning the Water Budget in a Glacierized Basin
- Processing Approaches for DAS-Enabled Continuous Seismic Monitoring
- Seasonality of light transmittance through Arctic sea ice during spring and summe
- Simulating the combined heat transfer and water balance at and below the land surface with GSSHA model
- Snow Depth Calibrations for Electromagnetic Induction Investigations at a Former Munitions Waste Disposal Site in Alaska
- Sub-annual North Pacific hydroclimate variability since 1450AD from updated St. Elias ice core isotope and accumulation rate records
- Subsidence from an artificial permafrost warming experiment.
- The Contribution to High Asia Runoff from Ice and Snow (CHARIS): Understanding the source and trends of cryospheric contributions to the water balance
- The Timeseries Toolbox - A Web Application to Enable Accessible, Reproducible Time Series Analysis
- Thermokarst in pingos and adjacent collapse scar bogs in interior Alaska
- Three summers of high-resolution, high-accuracy velocity data of Helheim Glacier, as measured by an automated terrestrial LiDAR scanner: methods, challenges, and applications
- Using ground-penetrating radar and sidescan sonar to compare lake bottom geology in New England
- Velocity Field of the McMurdo Shear Zone from Annual Three-Dimensional Ground Penetrating Radar Imaging and Crevasse Matching
- Winter-to-summer transition of Arctic sea ice breakup and floe size distribution in the Beaufort Sea
- After 80 Years, New Look at Snow Friction
- Changes in the Timing of Historical and Future Runoff in Different Snow Regimes
- Continuous Terrestrial LiDAR data of Helheim Glacier to quantify ice-ocean interactions
- Deformation Observed in the 2018 Kīlauea Volcano Eruption and Earthquake Sequence Using Differential Airborne Lidar Topographic Data
- Detecting Recent Changes in Vegetation, Landscape Water Availability and Freeze/Thaw Characteristics in Interior Alaska Using VIS-NIR-TIR and Microwave Remote Sensing
- Estimating the longevity of glaciers in the Tian Shan in Xinjiang, China through remote sensing observations of glacier area change
- Evolution of the McMurdo Shear Zone, Antarctica: Determining Critical Kinematic Threshold Values for Crevasse Initiation and Predicting Long-term Changes to Shear Zone Stability
- Examination of Interplanetary Dust Particles Collected from Antarctic Air
- G-REALM: A Lake/Reservoir Monitoring tool for Water Resources and Regional Security assessment
- Geoelectrical and Electromagnetic Induction Delineation of Seep Origin at a US Army Earthen Dam
- Geophysical Investigation of Soil Moisture Distribution and Behavior in Permafrost Soils from Interior Alaska
- High frequency GPR signal interaction with supraglacial debris: Domination by volumetric backscatter
- InSAR coherence variability under changing snow conditions at L-band
- Integrating Observations and Models to Examine Changing Heat and Mass Balance of Sea Ice in the Beaufort Sea.
- Investigating Ice Albedo Feedbacks through the Synthesis of High and Medium Resolution Optical Remote Sensing.
- Investigating Snow Melt Signals in the Red River of the North Using the NASA MEaSUREs Calibrated Enhanced-Resolution Brightness Temperature Data
- Lasers vs. Lasers: An intercomparison between lidar datasets, GNSS, and snow-probe transects from NASA's SnowEx campaign.
- Measurement and interpretation of bubble number-density evolution through the upper 1200 meters of the SPC14 South Pole Ice Core (SPICEcore)
- Measuring Ice Sheet Surface Elevation Change in the Greenland Ice Sheet Ablation Zone From Repeat Terrestrial LIDAR Surveys
- New Insights Test our Fundamental Understanding of How Thermokarst Influences Permafrost Peatlands
- Observations of Long-term Subsidence in an Induced Permafrost Warming Experiment Using Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS)
- Observations of Stress and Strain at a Floe Scale during Fracture Formation in the Sea Ice Pack
- Permafrost Monitoring with Brillouin Based Fiber Optic Distributed Strain and Temperature Sensing: Findings from a Controlled Thaw Experiment
- Polarimetric and interferometric analysis of L-Band airborne data over Western United States during the NASA SnowEx 2017 field campaign
- Quantifying Tidewater Glacier Surface Displacements Using Autonomous Multi-Temporal Terrestrial LiDAR Scanning; Helheim Glacier Greenland
- Sampling Interplanetary Dust Particles from Antarctic Air
- Sedimentary architecture and accumulation rates of multiple lakes in New England, USA
- SnowEx 2019 - A time series airborne and field experiment in multiple snow climates
- The influence of vegetation on shallow soil and air temperature coupling: a Pan-Arctic data synthesis
- The relationship between environmental variables and springtime boundary layer ozone over the Arctic Ocean
- The source and fate of snowpack mercury in a watershed underlain by continuous permafrost near Utqiaġvik, Alaska
- Time-lapse imaging of a controlled permafrost thaw experiment with strongly non-stationary vehicle noise and a 4,000 component distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) array
- Airborne snow accumulation estimates from L-Band InSAR during the NASA SnowEx 2017 campaign and validation with airborne LiDAR and in-situ observations
- Assembly of microbial communities in thawed permafrost and implications for carbon processing
- Assessing land cover change and lowland vulnerability to permafrost thaw, altered fire regime, and hydrologic changes on Interior Alaska
- Characterizing and Classifying the Spatial and Temporal Variability of Snow on Sea Ice to Improve Representations in Models
- Combining autonomous observations, reanalysis, and numerical modeling to paint a thermodynamic picture of sea ice mass balance in the Beaufort Sea.
- Detecting catchment-scale permafrost degradation and biogeochemical regime change from high-frequency stream chemistry
- Direct measurements of ice sheet meltwater runoff in Inglefield Land, northwest Greenland
- Efficient Optimal Bayesian Experimental Design of Snow Depth Sensors for Inferring Sea Ice Thickness
- Evaluating the Aggregate-Scale Thermal Conductivity of Arctic Sea Ice Snowcover
- Examining multi-scale snow vegetation relationships using object-derived measures of canopy structure from terrestrial laser scanning, Grand Mesa, Colorado
- Geophysical Observations of Organic Matter and Soil Moisture Interactions during Freezing and Thawing of Alaskan Boreal Permafrost
- Glacier weather vs glacier climate: At what scale do we need to parameterize calving?
- Going with the floe: using the CESM Large Ensemble sea ice to better understand climate- and process- scale observations
- Investigating the Relationship Between Iceberg Calving and Terminus Velocity at Helheim Glacier from Two Autonomous Terrestrial LiDAR Scanners
- Mapping Snowmelt Progression in the Himalaya-Karakoram Region With Sentinel-1 SAR
- Meshfree Approaches to Modeling Sea Ice Dynamics
- Microbiome Re-assembly After Permafrost Thaw: How Time, Space, History and Disturbance Fundamentally Differentiate Permafrost Microbial Communities
- Modeling Deformable Porous Media with Peridynamics
- Organizing Research and Fieldwork at Summit Station and in Greenland
- Particle Level Sets (ParticLS): object-oriented software for discrete element methods (DEM) and peridynamics modeling sea ice ridging
- Plant community shifts as early indicators of abrupt permafrost thaw and thermokarst development in interior Alaska lowlands.
- Predicting Fate of Munitions Constituents in the Environment
- Principles for Conducting Research in the Arctic
- Quantifying Seasonal Impacts on Glacier Change Using Low Altitude Helicopter Airborne Laser Scanning; Wolverine Glacier, Alaska
- Quantitative Risk Assessment Utilizing Big Data in Changing Times
- Radar-Detected Layering in Ice: Experiments, Field Data, Modeling, and Application to Mars
- Remote Snow Strength Detection Using Multi-frequency/Multi-polarization Radar
- Revised Principles for Conducting Research in the Arctic and Improving Collaborations in Science
- Separating Aleatory and Epistemic uncertainties in evaluation of hydraulic loading including dam failures with HEC-WAT
- Snow Coupled Distributed Acoustic Sensing for Intrusion Detection of Polar Bears in Arctic Camps
- Studying the Spectral Induced Polarization Signal of Calcite Crystal Growth through Double Diffusion in Porous Media
- Time Series Analyses of Interior Alaska Thermokarst Using Airborne and Terrestrial Lidar
- As above, so below: Linkages between ground-layer plant communities and subsurface permafrost characteristics in interior Alaska lowlands.
- Coastal Probabilistic Flood Hazard Assessment Due to Coincident Occurrence of Tropical Cyclone-Induced Surge and Precipitation
- Discrete element simulations of sea ice dynamics in the Nares Strait
- Evolution of the winter mixed layer observed during MOSAiC
- Improving how we communicate the uncertainty of flood predictions made with probabilistic weather forecasts
- Insights Into Helheim Glacier Terminus Dynamics Through Integration of Two Autonomous Terrestrial LiDAR Scanners, 2015 - 2019
- Investigating seasonal surface elevation changes of Wolverine Glacier, Alaska, using high-resolution geodetic surveys, ground-penetrating radar, and firn modeling
- Investigating the Occurrence of Membrane Polarization during the Precipitation of Carbonate Minerals.
- Investigation of electrical relaxation mechanisms in soil through broadband standoff EMI
- Life cycle and properties of snow and sea ice in the Arctic transpolar drift during MOSAiC
- Mass Fluxes through Small River Systems on the Alaskan North Slope in Response to Spatial and Temporal Thermodynamic Variations
- Microbial composition of dust from alpine snow
- Observations of Stress and Strain at Floe Scale in Sea Ice
- Observing Lagrangian Time Series of Arctic Sea Ice Through High Resolution Optical Satellite Imagery
- Parameterization of a drag partition scheme using field measurements of surface shear stress distribution
- Permafrost hazard mapping in the discontinuous permafrost zone of Alaska
- Sensitivity of Simulated Infrasound Propagation to Lead Times and Averaging Intervals of Input Meteorological Data
- Simulation of Hydrology, Stream Flow, and Reservoir Levels in the Upper Russian River Watershed In Support of Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations at Lake Mendocino
- Snow depth on the MOSAiC floe from autumn to spring: Continuous point measurements vs. weekly snow distributions
- Snowpack ripening and melt-freeze cycles on Grand Mesa, Colorado from field measurements and synthetic aperture radar
- Spatial Evolution of Snow Melt On the Arctic Coast: A Field Campaign in Utqiaġvik, Alaska
- Surface Water Biogeochemistry In and Material Fluxes Through Small Rivers on the North Slope of Alaska During the Open Water Season from Spring-to-Fall
- The role of changing temperature in microbial metabolic processes during permafrost thaw
- The simulated influence of snow on sea ice in a coupled climate model
- Warm air intrusions and surface melt over sea ice from MOSAiC during spring 2020
- A Blended Approach Toward Simulating Spectral Snow Reflectivity and Transmissivity Using Monte Carlo Photon-Tracking and X-ray Microtomography Surface Rendering
- A spatially distributed sensing technology for monitoring gas migration through vadose zone and land surface concentrations
- Building Capacity to Measure Snow
- Evaluation of numerical model uncertainty through the Coastal Model Test Bed.
- Ground Penetrating Radar for Crevasse Detection on Polar Ice Sheets
- Ice Fog Monitoring Near Fairbanks, AK
- Intercomparison of ERA Reanalysis Products for RAPID Flow Routing in the Mississippi River Basin
- Inverse Problems for Characterizing Floe Scale Sea Ice Dynamics
- Lagrangian Time Series of Arctic Sea Ice Melt from High Resolution Optical Satellite Imagery
- Mapping the Severity of Ice Sheet Melt by applying a Geophysical Model Based Algorithm using SMAP L-band Microwave Radiometry
- Measurement and interpretation of bubble number-density evolution through the upper 1200 meters of the SPC14 South Pole Ice Core
- Permafrost Degradation Delineation using a Multi-Faceted Geophysical Surveying Approach
- Permafrost hazard mapping in the discontinuous permafrost zone of Alaska
- Recent widespread permafrost thaw in Interior Alaska quantified from geophysical measurements, boreholes, ground-based surveys, and remote sensing
- Replicating Sintered Snow Properties in the Partic-LS Discrete Element Model Using MicroCT Imagery
- SIDEx Observations of Sea Ice Stress-Strain-Fracture Fields
- SnowEx Snow Microstructure for Simulation of Microwave Scattering
- Spatiotemporal evolution of melt ponds in the Arctic: MOSAiC observations and model results
- Temperature Dependence of Borehole NMR-Sensed Soil Moisture in Permafrost Regimes
- Understanding the Changing Natural-Built Landscape in an Arctic Community: An Integrated Sensor Study in Utqiagvik, Alaska
- Using Geophysics to Understand Seasonal Controls on Metal Transport in Arctic Watersheds
- Watershed Model Development for Reservoir Operations, Prado Dam, California.
- 2023 SnowEx field campaign in Alaska, U.S.
- Airborne SAR (UAVSAR) and machine learning accurately predict snow density
- Assessing Landscape Vulnerability to Permafrost Thaw, Wildfires, and Hydrologic Changes on Boreal Alaska
- Assessing Micrometeorological Differences Related to the Built Environment in Utqiagvik, Alaska
- Characterizing the efficiency of mineral amendments in immobilizing PFAS
- Crevasse detection using ground penetrating radar in the McMurdo Shear Zone: two decades of observations
- Evaluating Changes in SWE from 2020-21 NASA UAVSAR with Ground-Penetrating Radar at Cameron Pass, Colorado
- Helicopter-Borne Lidar to Resolve Snowpack Variability in Southwest Idaho
- High-Resolution Data from Integrated Micrometeorological and Geophysical Studies within an Arctic City: Preliminary Results from Utqiaġvik, AK
- Intermediate-scale testing of a spatially distributed sensing technology for monitoring greenhouse gas migration through vadose zone to the atmosphere
- Investigating the Sources, Persistence and Emissions of Ice-Nucleating Particles in the Arctic Tundra
- Iron Speciation and Mobility at the Permafrost-Active Layer Transition Zone
- Laboratory Testing of Thermosyphon Fin Designs
- Laboratory measurements of wave propagation through ice floes
- Linking Repeat LiDAR with Landsat Products for Large Scale Quantification of Fire-induced Permafrost Thaw Settlement in Interior Alaska
- Snow Property and Soil Moisture Estimation from a Mobile L-Band Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Platform
- Snow Specific Surface Area: Margins of Error, Best Methods, and Interpretation of In-Situ Measurements Using the IceCube, an Integrating Sphere
- Snow acoustic and optical measurements and modeling
- The stable water isotope, carbon and nitrogen, and trace metal composition representing the most recent 40,000 years of Interior Alaska permafrost- implications for formation and thaw processes
- The subglacial sediment from the Camp Century ice core: a unique in-situ paleoclimate archive from northwest Greenland
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. W. Nolin
- Abdullah Cihan
- Ahmad A. Tavakoly
- Alan J. Hidy
- Amanda Barker
- Andreas Colliander
- Andrew D. Parsekian
- Andrew J. Christ
- Bonnie Light
- Carl Schmitt
- Chris Polashenski
- Christina S. McCluskey
- Christo Buizert
- Christopher A. Shuman
- D. M. Peteet
- Daniel McGrath
- Danney R. Glaser
- Dara Entekhabi
- Dmitry Nicolsky
- Donald K. Perovich
- Elizabeth K. Thomas
- Eric J. Steig
- Hans‐Peter Marshall
- Howard E. Epstein
- Ian Raphael
- J. P. McNamara
- Jack Tarricone
- Jennifer I. Schmidt
- Jennifer S. Lund
- Jessie M. Creamean
- Jinlun Zhang
- John M. Fegyveresi
- John S. Kimball
- Julianne J. Miller
- Julie C. Fosdick
- Julie Parno
- Kathryn A. Moore
- Louise M. Farquharson
- Luisa von Albedyll
- Madison Smith
- Marika M. Holland
- Mark Orzech
- Mark Wahl
- Matthew Parno
- Melinda Webster
- Melody Sandells
- Michael Durand
- Mirella Shaban
- Mohammad Mousavi
- Nancy F. Glenn
- Nicholas Wright
- Nils Hutter
- P. Elósegui
- Paul Cornils Knutz
- Paul J. DeMott
- Polona Itkin
- R. R. Forster
- Randall Bonnell
- Richard B. Alley
- Robert A. Crain
- Robyn A. Barbato
- Ryan Webb
- S. O’Neel
- S. R. Hemming
- Sonia M. Kreidenweis
- Stefan Hendricks
- Stefanie Brachfeld
- Svetlana Stuefer
- Taylor D. Sullivan
- Thomas A. Douglas
- Thomas C. J. Hill
- Tobias Gerken
- V. E. Romanovsky